Designs > Custom Designs

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Custom Designs
Make your website unique by ordering one of the following custom design services:

Design hours are billed at $75 per hour
Quick turn-around time (usually within 2 business days)
Please fill out the Contact Us form or call us today (877-769-3836) for a quote

Custom Header

A custom header can make your website completely unique. It can incorporate an image, or a graphic that either our designers can create or that you can supply.

Your custom header will appear at the top of each page of your website, giving your website the look and feel of a custom website designed exclusively for your event. The cost of a custom header relates to the amount of time spent on the design, usually within the $20 - $149 range.

For example:
  • If you provide us with a header that already meets the exact required dimensions, it will cost you $20 to have it uploaded (Contact us to find out the exact required dimensions for your header).
  • Most custom headers take between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the requirements.
  • One review where you can request changes is included.

Custom Header

Custom Flash

A custom flash introduction is a flash animation that will add a unique element to your website. It can incorporate your favorite image, or a graphic that either our designers can create or that you can supply. The cost of a custom flash introduction relates to the amount of time spent on the design.

Custom Website

Our custom websites have a unique design throughout the site that is tailored to your brand and can also incorporate existing artwork. Custom websites have a custom header, menu, buttons, and graphics. They can also incorporate all of our existing features such as donations, tickets, and personal fundraising.
Click here to view our custom gallery.
Contact Us today to get a quote on a custom website.

Custom Website

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